Robertson Workforce

Your lifelong career support.

Our Workforce Team is dedicated to helping you succeed in your studies and beyond.


We connect work-ready graduates with industry and employer partners.

Our team members have diverse coaching and professional backgrounds and will work together to help both learners and employers find success. We help our learners conduct a successful job search while connecting employers with a network of skilled candidates who are ready to start a meaningful career.

Preparing Learners for Career Success

Here’s how we can help you on your career journey.


Craft your resume and cover letter

Your resume and cover letter are your first introduction to potential employers. Bring your drafts to an Employment Strategy Search session and have them proofread by our team. You’ll learn how to sharpen and customize your writing to the job you’re pursuing so the information is relevant and your skills are showcased well. Don’t have a draft? No problem. We’ll help you get started.


Prepare for your interview

Even if you’re a few years into your career, you can come to us for interview support. Learn about business etiquette, dress code and soft skills and demonstrate them in mock interviews where we’ll give you tips on how to answer professionally. With remote work on the rise, you’ll also learn about the remote interview process and how to ask relevant questions at the end of your interview.


Focus your job search

No matter where you’re at in your career journey, we can help you narrow down your job search. Learn about the top online job search engines and how to use specific keywords to find positions that best match your goals, skills and experience. Have a question about the industry? We’ll do our best to answer it.

Networking and Community Connections

Networking Events

Since Robertson partners with many local organizations and businesses, there are always plenty of opportunities for networking as a student. You can attend Community Mixers and listen to organizations talk about what they do and how you can pursue a career in the field.

At Career Development Workshops, you get to interact with industry professionals and a Workforce Team member, participating in Q&A sessions and interactive activities like mock interviews. These events are a great way to connect with other professionals and alumni in your industry.

Job and Resume Referrals

Our team has many industry connections, so we can help you find relevant job postings and in some cases, even refer you to a potential employer. We can also pass along your resume through our employer network and see if you’ll be a good fit for the organizations that are hiring. In many cases, our connections also reach out to us, looking for students with relevant skills and career goals (which means potential interview opportunities for you).